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Are Gourmet Foods Worth the Money?

Written By sandeep on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 | April 30, 2019

There was a time when quick microwaved meals were all the rage. They saved time, were tasty to eat and even easy on the pocket. However, such meals were chemically processed, had close to no nutritional value and were not fresh. This led to the downfall of fast foods and rise of healthy eating. Now, people want to know what is in their food. Is it natural? Are the ingredients sustainable? Free of additives and preservatives? Health-conscious people are choosing simple and wholesome ingredients that are rapidly changing the way we shop, cook and eat our meals.

Gourmet Foods

Today, people take their food very seriously – and want to know where their food has come from and what it took to get that food to the table. This trend has provided a boost to the gourmet food industry. The term ‘gourmet food’ refers to food and drink that takes extra care to make or acquire. Such type of food is often found or made only in certain locations. The ingredients used may be exotic and difficult to find in regular stores.

Gourmet ingredients tend to blend herbs and spices in an interesting manner or add a hint of flavour to foods that are usually not flavoured. For example, date balsamic vinegar, lemon olive oil, and date mustard are exclusive takes on otherwise simple ingredients. Owing to their rarity, such ingredients retail for slightly higher prices than their more common counterparts. The nutritional value and taste acquired is far superior when you incorporate gourmet ingredients in your dishes.

With such treasured cooking elements, healthy food doesn't have to be bland. Moreover, delicious dishes don't have to include tons of calories or refined sugar. You can opt for honey instead. Honey has been linked to quite impressive health benefits. Research has found that natural honey may help reduce risk factors for heart disease, improve wound healing and even treat coughs. This is why we highly recommend Bateel’s All-Natural Honey. Every jar of honey by Bateel is 100% organic and embraces the flavours of the blossom it has been gathered from. In order to incorporate diversity and add a pinch of uniqueness into their offerings, Bateel Honey comes in aromatic flavours of acacia, linden, verbena and lemon. Try it side by side with what you have in your kitchen and the difference will blow you away!

Are you still curious if gourmet foods are worth the money? Just add the magic of a ‘gourmet’ ingredient to your food or drink and see your dish transform into something more sophisticated, healthy, and desirable.


About sandeep


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